25 September 2008

chance of rain

It's so odd how things can change so fast. Everything....well not everything, you have wanted is handed to you on a silver platter and for once, its so unappealing. This will all soon change, nothing stays the same. Not emotions, friendships, choices, and especially not people. Learn to live with your ever changing situations and there you will find pure bliss. Until then, there is nothing but desperation in your future. The world we have so humbly gotten comfortable with (or not) revolves, and it just keeps turning and turning and forming new problems, changes...I forgot what my point it.

Anyway, in terminus ad quem, what I've been waiting for has finally arrived.

Do I want it? No.
But hello people, we are human.
Are we ever unperturbed? Negative.

Today was a pretty good day, overall.
I woke up pretty early and got ready to go to DC, but in consummation, the metro station was full and there was no room to park. ):
So my cousin and I turned around and went to the mall instead.
Everything happens for a reason I say, and I ended up getting a really cute jacket for Winter and a new scarf at forever twenty one. They're so cheap and I saved thirty dollars considering I was planning on going to Urban Outfitters to get a jacket that was 68 dollars, and I got a scarf(:

Then after that, we went rock climbing.
It was exhilarating. It was a butt load of fun.
Then Chipoltle. It was neat considering we don't have all these things in Texas.

Anyway, home Sunday.
I don't know what to think.
My future keeps asking me questions.
I don't feel like answering you, please go away.

I hate the questions.
The...why don't you just stay?
Why go back?
It's killing me, because you know I would never want to go.
but everything is there.
it's all there.
you're there.
you too.
and also you and you.

1 comment:

Damon said...

and damon,
not that you care[:

i kid
anyways im going to read your blog daily. i love it. i love you.