09 November 2009

words like these

"alright, so every time i email you i feel like such a creeper. i've only seen you twice and i'm the younger cousin of one of your old best friends. but i'm sorry, i can't help but tell you ...

i've been reading your atomic pressure posts and you have no earthly idea how much they mean to me. some of the struggles you are facing i cannot relate to, but some of them i can. i'm in the process of rebirthing my social life since ethan left. a lot of his friends were and still are my friends, but i'm realizing now that i never really had to try to have my own separate life with my own friends. it may not be as extreme a case as yours is, but it's so hard. and i'm quiet. dont get me wrong, i can have my happy, exciting moments with my friends when we let loose of life and be happy, but a lot of the time i just observe. my life is in my room on my computer doing school, and when i go out with people all i can about is how i dont really know what to do without ethan there to keep me sociable. so reading your posts are really ultra encouraging to me.

uhm. also, i think that your talent and amount of personality exceeds most all the people i have ever met ever. you have to be the most individual person in my life. heh. once again, not to sound like a creeper, but you are one of my rolemodles. i'm not even kidding. if you've ever left a huge impact on someone you hardly know, it's me. "


people like this give me the will to carry on
thank you (:

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