13 December 2009

& it's people like this

that keep a huge smile on my face.

"I know we haven't been talking a lot lately, and it may seem like i don't care, but seeing you tonight and getting that reality check that you're leaving....for good....made me want to cry right then and there. this may not be as big of a deal to you as to me, but i miss you so much. you've done so many wonderful things for me in my life that you probably don't even realize. YOU,are the one who inspired me to go with my own fashion ideas, and to not care what other people think. YOU have made me have a great time, when i was in the worst stage i've ever been in. YOU made me keep believing in myself.and YOU, Jessica Rone, are the one who inspired me to be a christian, the one who made me believe it cannn make you a happy person. you showed me how you can have fun without drinking, doing drugs, having sex, or anything else bad for you. i've definitely been a jealous creeper of you, since the first time i heard of you. You were one of the prettiest girls i'd ever seen, and i wanted to be and do everything just like you eventually. I'm almost positive you didn't know any of this, but it's all true. i know i knowww i sound like a creep. well i guess i am, but just always be aware that even when you aren't trying, you're helping someone by just being you. i love and i'm going to miss you so incredibly much Jessica Rone."

Tomorrow is the big day. I can't believe it is here already. I'm not entirely sure why I haven't been writing much...I would say I don't have time, but thats a lie. I making a promise to myself I'll write this week on my trip across the country. God is with me, I have so much faith. Pray for me.

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